Story So Far…

Art, Adventure, and More.

I am a creator with a passion for fantasy games and art.

-Art Jeremiah

Art Jeremiah here! I am an artist, terrain builder, and miniature painter. In 2018 I decided to take my hobby to the next level and start selling painted miniatures and crafting terrain. I sell what I do on various platforms, including this Website, Etsy, Ebay, Amazon, and even Instagram. Feel free to purchase wherever you feel most comfortable buying. All my terrain is premium quality and handcrafted. I’ve now built and sold easily over 2000 sets of my terrain and am looking forward to the next 1000 sets. So don’t hesitate, I can help out with what you are looking for.

You can buy from be here at or head over to one of my other platform based stores (links below).

Use the code 15PEROFFNOW at My Etsy Shop to get 15% off your order.

I also have an eBay Store if you prefer to check that out. All my listings are set to Best Offer so go ahead and offer what you find a fair price.

If you are shopping with your phone, then you can also find me on Instagram.

If you want an excellent deal, then head to my Amazon Listings. I’m currently trying to build up my rapport with Amazon so they have a temporary low price and free shipping in the United State. If you could do me a favor and give me a 5-star review that would be very helpful.

Other Perks and Places to find me…

If you want to watch me make an epic dungeon, learn how to make terrain and paint minis, and see me review some products occasionally, then join me on YouTube: My Channel

If you want to offer support then gain extra perks through my Patreon: My Patreon Page

I also make frequent content for my Instagram and Twitter, so join me there.

Things to Come…

I am also in the process of developing 3d-Printed bits for accentuating scenery. I’ve obtained a 3d Printer and have started designing in Blender. Expect things like mushrooms, crystals, plant-life, small animals, bones, and more. Expect to be able to pick up the STLs through my Patreon or purchase Terrain and Terrain Supplies with 3d-Printed Elements.

I’ve done a little resin casting over the last year and will be sculpting more smaller scenery elements to add to my shop thanks to this.

I am working on more gaming mats. I already have some simple ones available at my Etsy Shop if you are interested in some basic 24x36 gridded mats. On YouTube, I will eventually be showcasing how I design and print the mats and will even be offering digital downloads for free on my Patreon or for sale everywhere else.